【同义词辨析】 2017-08-29 改善improve-ameliorate

: the general term, applies to what is capable of being made better whether it is good OR bad: measures to ~ the quality of medical care. (quality表质量时单数)

better: a more vigorous and homely term,differs little in meaning: immigrants hope to ~ their lot in life.

help: implies a bettering that still leaves room for improvement: a coat of paint could ~ the house.

ameliorate: implies making more tolerable or acceptable the conditions that are hard to endure: a cancerous condition that cannot be ~ by chemotherapy.

improve: 通用,任何改善,无论现状好坏,better: 意思相同,较口语,help:暗指还有改善空间, ameliorate: 稍微好一点(现状难以忍受)

记忆方法: 1) 前两个词通用,后两个词暗示情况不好

           2) 首字母联想,IBHA联想成BIanHAo: 变好,即改善

           3)改善的意思是使变好(更符合标准更易接受)mean to make more acceptable or bring nearer some standard.